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An electric furnace is more energy efficient than a gas furnace.

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Question: An electric furnace is more energy efficient than a gas furnace.
Top Answer (75% of 24 votes): False.

Answer: False
Explanation: Da punto di vista energetica un forno elettrico consuma di piu da un forno a Gas in Kw calorifico e per questo sara piu costoso il consumo del elettricità . Cambia se hai un forno a induzione e un impianto fotovoltaico con sistema di accumulo perche la prima cosa che risparmi e il carico delle tasse sul la bolletta del gas e di elettricità e dai anche un aiuto al ambiente
VEGALUCE SRL/ Edilizia Ecosostenibile Srl
Answer: True
Explanation: It cost more to operate though, the most efficient gas furnace is about 94-96%. An electric furnace is rated at 100% as far as energy usage is concerned. Duct work and insulation will play a major role for any HVAC system.
Reality Property Inspections
Answer: False
Explanation: Electricity is more expensive to use then gas.
Answer: False
Explanation: Gas furnaces are cheaper to run but have higher installation costs.
Rod Johnson Air Conditioning
Answer: False
Explanation: Electric furnaces are 100% efficient versus natural gas furnaces which at their best are 97% efficient. However, as of 2017 natural gas prices are lower than electricty prices. Therefore, it is cheaper to heat a house using natural gas over electricity.
Sovereign Solar
Answer: False
Explanation: Normally, no
HVAC and More
Answer: True
Explanation: You use all the heat that the electricity produces. The gas furnace you loose heat in the exhaust.
Kohler Heating and Air Conditioning
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