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Furnace Tune Up Cost - Worth the Investment?

How Much Does a Furnace Tune-up Really Cost?

There are a number of items that may impact the cost of having your furnace serviced by a local professional. We have prepared this short list of items that may increase (or decrease) the cost of a furnace tune-up.

Items that impact the cost:

1. Your geographic location. Where you live may have a significant impact on the cost of labor. For example, HVAC technicians in New York typically charge higher rates than those working in Pittsburgh.

2. Travel distance. If you live outside of the contractor’s normal service area, you may be charged for the additional fuel required to reach your home. By working with a local contractor, you may be able to cut out some of these extra fees.

3. Type of furnace. Every furnace is different.

  • There are several different fuel sources. Is yours gas? Electric? Oil-burning?

  • What brand of furnace do you have? You will want to find a contractor that has experience working with furnaces like yours. Carrier, Kenmore, and Trane are some of the most popular brand names.

  • Is the furnace 20 years old or was it installed last year? The unique features of your heating appliance may impact the cost of the inspection. With an older furnace, in particular, the contractor may need more time to fully inspect each component of the system.

4. What's included? Each furnace tune-up is a little different. You will need to ask your specific contractor what's included in the price tag. For some, it may include a comprehensive inspection, replacement filters, and a satisfaction guarantee. Other contractors may offer a very basic inspection with no warranty at all. You will be thoroughly disappointed when they are in and out in 10 minutes. By getting everything in writing beforehand, you can avoid any confusion when payment is due.

4. Repairs and replacement parts. You will be responsible for the cost of any replacement parts and the labor required to make the necessary repairs. If you are having issues with your furnace, it may be as simple as replacing a flame sensor or an igniter. For more serious issues, repair costs may much higher.

5. Total replacement. In some cases, your contractor may recommend installing a brand new furnace. If this is the case, don't be afraid to get a second opinion. Purchasing a new furnace is a big investment. We recommend doing your own research first and getting quotes from several local contractors before making a decision. Need help finding contractors? Request quotes from local furnace installers easily right here.

A word of caution:

Each fall, many companies offer special discounts on furnace tune-ups. If the price seems too good to be true, it just might be. When purchasing one of these deals, make sure to read the fine print. Before hiring one of these companies, you should find out exactly what’s included and get all of the details in writing. You should also take a few minutes out of your day to verify that the company is properly licensed and insured. Working with an unlicensed professional can be risky.

You can request price quotes from local companies with the help of ProMatcher’s free matching service.

Furnace Tune-up FAQs

Is a furnace tune-up really necessary?

Over time, dirt and debris will begin to accumulate in your furnace. This can impact the overall performance and energy efficiency of your entire forced air system. It may also lead to higher energy bills each month. Although replacing the furnace filter on a regular basis is important, it may not be enough.

Preventative maintenance can add years to the life of your furnace. During the annual inspection, an HVAC technician can diagnose potential issues and safety hazards before they become major problems. It may also help to avoid expensive, emergency repairs in the future.

It's also important to consider the safety of you and your family. A faulty furnace can be a serious hazard.

How often should I have my furnace inspected, cleaned, or serviced?

Many furnace manufacturers and HVAC contractors recommend annual maintenance visits. However, if you have a newer furnace, you may only need a “tune-up” every other year.

It’s best to schedule a tune-up during the fall, right before heating season begins. Winter is probably your HVAC contractor’s busy season. Making a call to your furnace contractor during the middle of a blizzard is the last thing you want to do. Plus, you want to make sure your furnace is working before you need it.

How long should a furnace tune-up take?

The average furnace tune-up takes about an hour or two. However, this does not include the time needed to complete repairs or deal with any unexpected issues. You will responsible for the additional labor and the cost of any replacement parts.

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ProMatcher Staff, ProMatcher
Orlando, FL 32803

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